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Topics of Study

Outside of the classroom, the world isn't divided into separate subjects.  In our everyday life, we need to use knowledge from many different disciplines at once.  Picture going to a grocery store.  We need to be able to read and understand the labels on products, and maybe a grocery list (Language Arts).  But we also need to estimate the amount of money that we will spend (math).  This is a very basic example of subject integration.  Since we do it in real life, I feel that it makes sense to do it in the classroom as well.  So, throughout the year, we will be integrating many of our subjects together.  This means that one topic that we study may contain components of several subjects.  

For example, we are starting the year off by looking at the makeup of the Earth.  Although this topic will be centered in Science, we will be interpreting texts about the Earth (Language Arts), and we may even examine recent events around the world involving the Earth's movement (Social Studies).  Sometimes, one assignment may contain aspects of many subjects and may be assessed independently for each subject focus.  For example, an Essay on earthquakes may be assessed from a Language Arts perspective for essay structure and writing as well as from a Science perspective for knowledge and understanding of the subject matter.


To find up to date information on what we are learning, including notes and power points, videos, and links to websites, use the drop down menu under 'Topics of Study'.  



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